Women's Hermes Sandal - 6243

Women's Hermes Sandal - 6243 Sale

Danshuz' "Hermes" sandal features an all leather upper, synthetic loops with thong between big toe and second toe. Other features include a 1/4" leather heel and leather laces that wrap around the ankle. This is an excellent shoe for lyrical jazz or modern dance.

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  • Fit: Women order 1 size smaller

Women's Hermes Sandal - 6243 Customer Review

I really like these sandals because I know they will last a long time because they are exactly like the first pair I bought several years ago. They are not designed to be worn outside in the elements, but mine lasted forever even though I wore them to some outside festivals/ren. fares, etc...The only thing is that the strings can bite into my skin sometimes and be a bit uncomfortable during class. You also have to make sure to tie them good enough so that they don't come untied. However, keep in mind that this is a traditional type of dance shoe made with delicate,leather strings, so it just comes with the territory. Definitely a good pair of Hermes sandals though!

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